
Valentine Ring

This year for Valentine's Day I decided to come up with a ring that is unique and fun. To some people they may never understand my new rings, but to me I love them! I have some competition on Etsy like everyone else so there has to be a way of standing out and showing the world that I have more of an artistic look and it's only going to get better from here. I find myself having these wild thoughts about new rings and how I can make them real. So far I'm coming up with all of the ideas and making them really work.

My Valentine Ring which I like to call "Wear your heart on your finger" has been getting quiet a few looks since I've been wearing it. Now to be honest I made this ring about a couple of weeks ago, but it's just been sitting around on my desk. I've been trying to figure out a picture for it to be placed on Etsy and I was wasting too much time with that and decided to take a quick photo. I've had to wear this ring around making sure that the heart isn't going to catch on items or fall off and it's been doing wonders the past few days. I've accidentally hit it on some items while at the grocery store and did nothing! I was so happy my daughter looked at me funny.

Just so you know, I have decided to keep this ring on Etsy all the time! Share the love where ever you may go!

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